In compliance with Article 13 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter GDPR), as well as Article 11 of Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights (hereinafter LOPD – GDD), we hereby inform you that the:

1. Controller
Who is responsible for processing your data?

Address: Angelina Ceballos 5
Telephone: 645 44 44 30

2. Purpose
For what purpose will we process your personal data?

WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. will process your information in order to:
Manage the commercial relationship that you have subscribed and contracted with us.
Sending commercial communications related to the sector.
Making a budget tailored to your needs.
Manage e-mail communications with interested parties.
How long will we keep your data for?

The personal data you provide us with will be kept for as long as the current business relationship is maintained. Likewise, even if the relationship between the parties is terminated WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. will continue to keep your information in order to send newsletters related to our products and services[1]. You can always exercise the rights recognised by current legislation by contacting us through the channel that is most convenient for you.
However, we inform you that we will periodically review our systems to proceed to delete those data that are not legally necessary.

3. Legitimation
What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?

According to the purposes for which our data is collected, the processing of your data is necessary:
To manage the business relationship you have entered into and contracted with us.
Execution of a contract (enabled by article 6.1.b GDPR).
Consent of the data subject (enabled by article 6.1.a RGPD).
Sending of commercial communications
Consent of the data subject (enabled by article 6.1. RGPD)
Consent of the data subject (enabled by Articles 20 and 22.2 LSSICE)
Legitimate interest (enabled by article 6.1.f RGPD)
Realisation of an estimate tailored to your needs.
Consent of the data subject (covered by article 6.1.a RGPD).
Managing e-mail communications with data subjects.
Consent of the data subject (covered by article 6.1.a RGPD)
Furthermore, all data collected are necessary for the provision of the service. However, those data marked with an asterisk (*) are optional. In the event that the obligatory data are not provided WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. will not be able to provide the contracted service.

4. Rights of the persons concerned
You may exercise any of the following rights by contacting us at the postal address Avda Pio XII 69 – 45600 Talavera de la Reina or at the e-mail address indicated in the heading ( ). In any case, according to current legislation, you have the:
Right to request access to personal data relating to the data subject.
The right to request their rectification or deletion.
The right to request the restriction of processing.
The right to oppose the processing.
The right to portability.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Any citizen has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. is processing personal data concerning them.

Interested parties may access their personal data, rectify it or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

You may also inform us to limit the processing of your data, in which case they will only be processed for the purpose of exercising or defending claims.

You may revoke your consent to the data processed about you at any time.

In addition, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). More information in Section VII of this document.

5. Recipients
To which recipients will your data be communicated?

Your data will not be communicated to third party companies.

We also inform you that your data will not be transferred internationally to any third country*.

In order to carry out our services and provide you with the contracted service, your data will be communicated to the company SIEMPRE FREE with Tax Identification Number B20933560 and with address at Peña y Goñi 3 local 20020 San Sebastián, for the purpose of rental management.

6. Origin of your data
How have we obtained your data?

The personal data used by WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. comes from the interested party.

What categories of data do we handle?

The categories of personal data that are processed:

Identification data
First name
DNI / NIE / Passport or equivalent document
Postal addresses
E-mail addresses
Date of birth
Place of birth
Business information
Financial information
Bank account number
Credit card number
Curriculum vitae:
Academic data
Membership of associations or clubs
WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. does not process specially protected data.

7. Supervisory authority
At WHITE COAST RENTAL SOLUTIONS S.L. we make every effort to comply with data protection regulations, as this is our most valuable asset. However, we inform you that in the event that you feel that your rights have been undermined, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located at C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. More information about the AEPD.